The Space Between

We are all creatures of habit to some degree.

These shots were snapped right before the peak of rush hour.
 And there they were: brisk footsteps one behind another. Headphones plugged in, work totes 
and brief cases in hand, NJTransit leaves in 7 minutes. 

It's crazy to think about the amount of hours spent on the routine act of commuting. I still 
remember the days of my hour long commutes from/to work, listening
 to my favorite tracks on repeat 9 times while trying to not snooze too long, in case I were to miss my stop.

Wearing: blazer & tissue turtleneck by Zara, girlfriend denim by H&M

Routines are great, productive, blah blah.

But the comfort zone it creates is the dangerous part.
It has been one of those few weeks where everything felt incredibly monotonous. Coming into work to what feels like the exact same thing everyday - mentally, I couldn't find myself catching a break outside of what I know. Where is the more, the different, the inspiration?

I looked everywhere. Though I still can't say I have the perfect answer for it, I'm slowly learning to take each moment on its own, and to stop my circumstances from taking all the power. We're all so used to saying and responding to things a certain way, are we still being ourselves, or just what we're expected to do?

In my opinion, unpredictable imperfection is much more worth living.

Photo cred: Nuno Da Silva

Kid, Don't Be Crazy

Wearing: Turtleneck by AQUA, trousers by Mango, Blouse by The Kooples, Vintage Chanel shoes

Art is a strange thing.

Although not a necessity like eating or breathing, art is a significant part of the human existence, evident even in the most ancient civilizations. 

The evolution of art is seen and closely correlated to shifts in our culture's values. Even though there are some who say "anything can be art these days", the contemporary art offers an increasingly interpretive, interactive, and thought provoking process to its creators as well as viewers. 

But simple straightforwardness was Dan Flavin's point of view. Stepping into his exhibition space felt like rolling onto a time traveling playground. With each fluorescent light installation isolated on an entire side of a room, everything feels futuristically architectural. There was something about Dan Flavin's philosophy - It is what it is. It ain't nothing else. (hey Dan, I like your no bullshit style) Rather than a piece of work directing implications at its viewers, these installations are invitations for the viewers to create context. It is about a heightening of the senses, an experience in the midst of other bodies in motion in an enclosed space. 

A different story is told with each person interacting with these colors, lights, and space. Inspired by the minimal and architectural feels of the space, I decided a simple silhouette is the most powerful. 

So with a black turtleneck I go!

It is decidedly my most obsessed new staple for the season, also for reasons of just being straight forward, versatile, and actually practical. So please don't get tired of seeing me in turtlenecks.
I'll keep it interesting, I promise.

Photos by Nuno Da Silva

Misty Metallic

Even though I've been trying hard to post regularly since starting work, I gotta say it's a lot harder than it looks!

Metallics are always a fun staple for summer to fall transitions. Just because the weather is getting colder, doesn't mean you have to resort to dull colors too. This American Apparel metallic blue bomber was a hidden treasure found in the new Buffalo Exchange in Astoria. I love its versatility in being paired with sorts, jeggings, tshirts or crop tops. 

These photos were shot post- down pouring thunderstorm at a roof terrace park-esque place on Wall St. Our surroundings had many visually inspiring elements, it felt like the aqua tinted glass grids were made for my metallic America Apparel number. What's funnier is I later realized I've actually been brought to this place by coworkers for lunch three years ago! But after this shoot, I now have a lot more appreciation of the beauty of this place. 

Wearing: Metallic blue bomber by American Apparel (from Buffalo Exchange), Bralette by Brandy Melville, leather shorts by Urban Outfitters, and shoes from DSW